We are only as blind as we want to be.
— Maya Angelou

We are the visually impaired. Some of us are blind. Some of us have impaired vision, with varying fields of vision and visual acuity. We are like night and day. Some of us are old. Some are young. Some of us are extroverts; others are introverts. Some like the mountains. Some prefer the beach. Some are Republicans, some Democrats, some Independents. Like we said, we are as different as night and day. But we also have things in common, the most o table being our vision loss. Our common vision loss binds us together.  It teaches us that everyone, no matter how well they see, faces obstacles. It somehow makes all our differences less important, less divisive. In fact, our common vision loss helps us see one another and even our differences as beautiful. Because if there's one thing we have learned for certain, it's that it takes multiple sets of eyes to see something clearly.